The effect of the motivation of regu latory focus on the process of knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistante professor, Department of Psychology, Higher Education Center of Eghlid, Eghlid, Iran.

3 M.S. Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Library expert of the Faculty of Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical sciences.



Introduction: Considering the importance of motivational factors in the process of sharing or concealing knowledge, this research investigates the effect of the motivation dimensions of supervisory focus on full sharing, partial sharing, and concealment of knowledge from the viewpoint of Shiraz dental faculty employees in the year 2024 has been paid..

Methodology: The current research is of an applied type, which was carried out in a descriptive-survey way. The number of people was 300, and the sample size was determined to be 140. A systematic random method was used for sampling. Ariel (2016) questionnaire was used in this research. In order to analyze the collected data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods and statistical software Spss25 and SmartPLS were used. In order to analyze the data in the inferential statistics section of the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test, partial least squares and goodness-of-fit methods were used using SmartPLS and SPSS25 software.

Findings: The promotion focus increases full knowledge sharing, but it does not lead to partial knowledge sharing. Also, increasing the promotion focus reduces the hiding of knowledge. On the other hand, the prevention focus has a positive and significant effect on full and partial sharing of knowledge, but it does not have a significant effect on the concealment of employees' knowledge. Therefore, increasing the prevention focus will increase the sharing of knowledge in full and partial form.

Conclusion: Having the promotion focus reduces the knowledge hiding and increases the action to share knowledge. Employees with prevention-focused motivation share their knowledge, albeit partially. Because they prefer transferring their experience and knowledge over safety and gaining a competitive advantage, and instead of hiding knowledge, they share it.


Main Subjects

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