About Journal

About Journal

The journal of “Library and Information Science Research” is a scientific-research journal that operates under the authority of a publishing license granted by the "Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance". The first issue of this journal has been published as “Library and Information Science Research” too. The material and intellectual property of this journal are owned by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. In 2011, this journal has been published separately from the journal“Educational and Psychological Studies”.

The journal of “Library and Information Science Research” is a biannual journal in Persian, that publishes extended English abstract. In accordance with license number 105032/11/3/19 issued by the “Scientific Publications Commission” on 12th ofApril, 1389, the journal has scientific and research validity.



The journal's target audience is researchers, university professors, librarians, information science specialists, students of information science and epistemology, and other related fields (computer science, human-computer interaction, communication, linguistics, and the like).


Article Publishing Charge

This journal does not impose any author fees/ charge for manuscript submission, peer review, or publication.


Discount policy

Due to the absence of fees for manuscript submission, peer review, and publication, this journal does not offer any discounts on article publication costs.


Open Access Policy

The journal of “Library and Information Science Research” is a fully open-access journal, meaning that all its content is freely available to users and institutions. Readers are granted unrestricted permission to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full-text articles, provided proper citation is provided. Additionally, users may utilize the journal's content for any other lawful purpose without prior authorization from either the publisher or the authors.

This journal from the first issue published provides free access to its contents for public to support free global sharing of knowledge more.


Copyright License

The journal of “Library and Information Science Research”is a fully open-access journal that has been published under the international license of “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) “.  According this license the readers are allowed to share (copy or change the content in any form) and adaptation (recombining, reshaping, reorganizing based on the content) according to the conditions that are mentioned in the journal website.


Privacy statement

Personal information provided on this journal's website will be used solely for the journal's internal purposes and will not be shared with any other individuals or organizations.


Paper Plagiarism Checker

To prevent plagiarism, the journal of “Library and Information Science Research” uses the Hamyab and Samimnoor systems to check the similarity of Persian articles submitted to the journal. For English abstracts, the journal uses the iThenticate system for plagiarism checks. If the similarity percentage is greater than 15%, the article will be withdrawn from the review process.

Copyright Policy

Under the open access license in the Journal of "Library and Information Science Research", authors retain copyright ownership for their content.


Digital Preservation Policy

Website Archiving

To ensure the long-term availability of journal articles, the journal archives two copies of each article. One copy is available online on the journal's website in PDF format for readers. The journal also support backup copy of each manuscript on the journal system. If a problem occurs on the journal's website that results in the loss of the manuscript, the backup copy can be quickly restored and the manuscript republished online on the journal website within 24-36 hours. Additionally, a PDF copy of all journal manuscripts are archived in the “Iran Scientific Journals System”to provide additional protection and long-term access.

To ensure the long-term availability of journal articles, the journal maintains two copies of each article. One copy is available online on the journal's website in PDF format. This copy is accessible to readers worldwide. The journal also maintains a backup copy of each article on its computer system. If a problem occurs on the journal's website that results in the loss of article information, the backup copy can be quickly restored and the articles republished online. Additionally, all journal articles are archived in the Iran Scientific Journals System to provide additional protection and long-term access.


Key metadata and abstracts of the manuscripts published in the journal are indexed in various databases. Additionally, two of our journal's Abstracting/Indexing databases (ISC and Iran Scientific Journals System) preserve not only the article's metadata but also the complete PDF versions.



Authors are permitted to archive the final published version of their manuscripts in personal system or institutional repositories without delay upon publication.



This Journal does not accept any advertising.

Direct marketing

There are no direct marketing activities in this journal.

Other revenue

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad as the publisher of the journal, financially supports this journal for each published issue by paying a defined budget according to its published annual rank in portal of “Scientific Journals of Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology”. The allocated budget includes those pertaining to setup and maintenance of the publication infrastructure, routine operation of the Journal, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, editing, publishing, maintaining the scholarly record, and archiving.