Evaluating the quality of Isfahan ACECR e-learning system services using the WebQual method and based on the integrated approach of the Kano model and the importance-performance analysis matrix

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associated Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 MA., Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.



Introduction: The Present research has been conducted with the aim of evaluating the quality of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) of Isfahan e-learning platform using the WebQual instrument and the integrated approach of the Kano model and the Matrix of importance-performance analysis.

Methods: This research was practical in terms of purpose and descriptive – survey type in terms of the execution method. The statistical population of the research included 231 students over 18 years of ACECR of Isfahan e-learning platform in the educational groups of medicine, humanities, English language and non-English language. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size, and the sample size was estimated to be 144 people.

The data collection tool was the WebQual questionnaire which has 4 dimensions of usability, information quality, interaction quality, and overall impact in 23 items based on the WebQual4 questionnaire of Barnes and Vidgen (2002). In order to take advantage of the Kano model and the importance-performance analysis matrix, the items of the WebQual tool are repeated in 2 separate questionnaires to check the importance-performance and determine the items that are effective on the satisfaction of the learners. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed and the statistical method such as mean, frequency percentage and geometric mean were used to describe and analyze the data.Findings: The results showed that in addition to the high importance of the two dimensions "usability" and "interaction quality" from the learners’ point of view, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) of Isfahan e-learning system also had a high performance regarding these WebQual dimensions. In contrast, the "quality of information" dimension, which was raised as a necessary and important requirement by users, does not match their expectations. The dimension "overall effect" was also placed in the group of attractive needs of the Kano model and the third quadrant of the importance-performance matrix and was not very important according to the learners.

Conclusion: Examining the Kano model based on the WebQual items showed that most of the items related to the features of the "Zomorod" system were placed in the category of one-dimensional needs. In the analysis of the importance-performance Matrix, 7 items out of 23 WebQual items were placed in the first quarter, 7 items in the second quarter, 4 items in the third quarter, and 5 items in the fourth quarter.


Main Subjects

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