Investigating the Components of Appropriate Planning for Cultural Activities of Public Libraries and Providing a Model for it

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 PhD student knowledge & information sciences\ Islamic Azad University.

2 Associate professor, department of LIS,\Islamic Azad UniversityTehran North .

3 Associate professor, department of LIS Islamic Azad University Tehran North .

4 professor, department of LIS Islamic Azad University Oloom tahghighat .


Introduction: In this research, the aim was to study the components of appropriate planning for cultural activities of public libraries and to provide a model for it.
Methodology: The present research is an applied survey method. A researcher-made questionnaire is selected as the tool for data collection. Factor analysis was applied SPSS software for exploratory Factor Analysis and Amos software for confirmatory factor analysis. For factor analysis of the data, was used the prencipal component method with varimax rotation.
Findings: exploratory Factor Analysis has summarized 25 items of the questionnaire in 3 factors. The three factors that have explained a total of 65% of the total variation of the 25 items of the questionnaires are: the first extracted factor was Correspond to the careful examination of the external status of public libraries and their accurate analysis; the second extracted factor was Correspond to the examination of existing resources and the internal situation Public Libraries and third exteracted factor of infrastructure: determining the infrastructure based on The needs and resources available and its operational approval.using the confirmatory factor analysis, the ranking model was constructed with standardized coefficients.according to the result of Confirmatory factor analysis the fited model was suitable.
Cunclusion: The most important feature of the model is community-oriented. According to this model, before planning, paying attention to the history of the population, along with the customer-centric will be at the forefront of fundamental changes in activities and services, to design a complete cultural planning. Public libraries in Iran can take advantage of the components and factors in decision-making, this model plans cultural activities with more confidence.


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