The Development of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) through Measuring the Impact of Self-Efficacy and Dysfunctional Attitudes on the Acceptance of Pajhoohan based on Cognitive-Social Theory

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 university of Birjand

2 university of ferdowsi


Purpose: The main objective of this research is the development of technology acceptance model (TAM) by measuring the effects of self-efficacy beliefs and dysfunctional attitude of users on the acceptance of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Information System (Pazhoohan) based on social cognitive approach.
Methodology: This study used a survey method. The sample of study consisted of 248 of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences faculty members who were appointed through stratified random sampling. The data were collected with a questionnaire the overall estimated Cronbach's alpha coefficient of which was .95. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were applied using SPSS and LISRER.
Findings: Acceptance of Pazhoohan system had a significant positive relationship with the self-efficacy of users , however, it had a significant negative correlation with their dysfunctional attitude. . Eliminating the effect of internal variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, and the behavioral intention to use), no significant relationship was found between self-efficacy and dysfunctional attitude with the actual users of the Pazhoohan . Finally, the results showed that the proposed model and the conceptual relationships predicted a positive and meaningful research with a fit enough resulting model.


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