Social cognitive theory: An effective approach in information behavior

Document Type : مقالات مروری


Shahid Chamran University


Purpose: Information behavior is an interactive process in which most people are involved when they feel the need for information. In the new mindset, the user of information is not considered as only the information consumer or information seeker but as a person doing search in the context of sociology, psychology, epistemology.
Methodology: This paper is a review of relevant literature on the theoretical aspects and the application of social cognition that specifically deals with information behavior.
Findings: The review of the related literature indicated that information activities, regardless of the environment and user behaviors, can not be understood clearly. Behavior, environment, and people (and their beliefs) interact with each other and this interaction must be understood in order to understand the function. This approach provides a comprehensive review and analysis based on social and individual factors relating to information behavior in a society, and thus would help improve the information systems and productivity of information seeking.


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