Identification of suitable non-textbooks compatible with elementary Social science and Science textbooks (appropriate approaches for teachers in teaching and for librarian in collection building)

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor in Library & Information Sceince, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Master Student of Library Information Science.Ferdowsi University. Librarian of Astan Quds Razavi Library


Pupose: To use non-text books in the programmed educational systems is important to deep and stabilized the content of the textbooks in students. Therefore, it is essential to identify books that have the characteristics of a suitable book. The main purpose of this study is to provide a list of suitable non-textbooks compatible with the content of the primary school Social science and Science textbooks.

Method: We analyzed Social science and Science text books' contents in order to search, access and identify suitable non-text books. By these identified keywords, the online catalog and collection of the Central library of Astan Qods Razavi in Mashhad were searched. Identified non-books were analyzed by the designed checklists. The checklists were designed on the base of analysis of the related literature and the guidelines by the Children Books Council.

Finding: By using these criteria, we identified 239 books as suitable non-textbooks, consistent with Science textbooks, 97 books as suitable non textbooks consistent with the Social sciences textbooks and 62 books as suitable reference books consistent with all textbooks. At the result of this study, we provided the list of suitable nontextbooks compatible with the concepts and key terms of textbooks.


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