Recognizing Ghostwriting from Plagiarism: Concept, Types and Legal Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Introduction: Ghostwriting, which is the creation of a work for and under another name, is often accompanied by the gift authorship or guest authorship. Although this phenomenon is not born of modern times and ghostwriting services have been used in various fields such as politics, law, etc. for many years, academic ghostwriting is due to the emergence and expansion of the use of new technologies has taken on new dimensions. The emergence of various institutions that provide a variety of services in the field of writing articles, dissertations and thesis has caused negative consequences such as damage to institutional reputation, violation of originality and scientific integrity. Therefore, the country's criminal policymaker has reacted to this phenomenon in support of science and the originality of scientific products. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide knowledge and awareness about ghostwriting and its various dimensions, as well as familiarity with the legislator's approach to dealing with this phenomenon in order to take measures to prevent it.
Methodology: The method used in this research is descriptive and analytical and the method of collecting data is literature review.
Findings: Ghostwriting and scientific rent (using a third party to prepare research work) is a violation of ethical and legal norms. Ghostwriting has been criminalized under the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in the Preparation of Scientific Works. The legislature has dealt with ghostwriting in two ways: predicting sanctions and preventing strategies. According to this law, providing ghostwriting services is a crime and subject to criminal punishment and using a work produced by a ghostwriter as their own work in universities is a violation and subject to administrative and disciplinary sanctions.
Conclusion: In order to effectively deal with this phenomenon in the scientific community, we need to adopt clearer and more comprehensive policies and ethical and legal codes.


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