An Analysis of the Application of Color in Designing User interface in Educational Websites: A Meta-Synthesis Approach

Document Type : Review Article


1 Ph.D Student in Knowledge and Information Science, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D Student in Knowledge and Information Science, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

3 Professor of Knowledge and information science, Qom University, Iran.



Purpose: Color is one of the most important elements of any user interface and plays an important role in user interface design. So, it is used as a means for communicating and engaging with users on the websites. The main aim of this research is to analyze the use of color in the design of the user interface of educational websites with based on meta-synthesis approach.

Methodology: This study was done using a qualitative method and a meta-synthesis approach. The seven-stage model devised by Sandelowski and Barroso (2007) was employed for collecting the needed data. Out of the 184 retrieved articles and theses, 27 works were selected and analyzed. Thematic content analysis was then employed for coding and categorizing the findings. The statistical population includes articles and theses on the user interface of educational websites, extracted from domestic and international scientific databases in Persian language from 1390 to 1402 and in Latin language from 1984 to 2023. Then it was done based on the thematic content analysis of the researches, coding and categorization.

Results: Analysis of researches in the field of color application in the design of the user interface of the educational website, which led to the identification of three general categories and 18 components. The main categories in this field include the fields of using color in designing the user interface of educational websites, using color in designing the user interface of educational websites, and using color in covering the subject area. In designing the user interface of educational websites.

Conclusion: The study showed that Consistent results of checking color in user interface design are not seen on all websites. Therefore, in the context section, researchers pay attention to their commercial, news, entertainment and entertainment websites in the context section, which is less thought about the topic. In the section on the applications of colors, researchers have shown the topic of attractiveness and beauty of the website, helping to increase the needs of users by designers, attractiveness of the website and cognitive processing of users, culture and understanding of users from the website, the effect of color on the characteristics of cultural attention has been shown.


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