Librarian and positive thinking skills A Case study of central libraries of universities affiliated to Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) in Tehran

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Master's student in librarianship and information, Tehran Science and Research Unit

2 Assistant professor and faculty member of the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization

3 Member of the faculty of Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Unit


Purpose: Organizations success is mainly depend on efficient use of human resources based on behavioral science. This is a challenge that managers have to face in organizations such as libraries. Making use of training programs such as "positive thinking" and "increasing positive automatic thought" could be an important part of an overall continuous program to improve employees' efficiency in libraries as well as information centers. In this research, positive thinking skills are examined among the librarians working in the central university libraries affiliated to Iran’s Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) in city of Tehran, the Iran’s capital.

Methodology: The population of this research includes librarians who work in central libraries of universities affiliated to MSRT in Tehran city, regardless of their academic backgrounds. There are thirteen universities affiliated to the mentioned ministry in Tehran which have central libraries. There are a total number of 218 employees who work in these libraries. Because of the large number of the population members, the research has used the random stratified sampling and random digits table to select 144 people as a sample. We used Ingram's and Wisnicki's 5-factor questionnaire with 30 items as the data gathering tool. The research method is descriptive field experiment. Initially, data gathered and classified using descriptive statistic methods. Using inferential statistics methods and Microsoft Excel and SPSS as software tools, the analysis was performed. In addition, factor analysis method as well as regression was applied to examine the research hypothesis. Furthermore, the analysis of variance method was used to see if the model is linear and appropriate.
Results: Results show the average of response values to the first question was 3.737, 3.833, 3.965, 3.94, 3,555 for positive daily function, positive self-evaluation, others evaluation of self, positive future expectations and self-confidence respectively. The tendency in the respondents' responses was towards the option of "often" and "always". Since the parametric average test shows that statistics of the test has a degree of freedom as 143 and significance level of 0.00 and the significance level of non-parametric binominal test, which is 0.00, it was found that the tendency of respondents' responds is toward "often" and "always". Therefore, the research hypothesis is verified.


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