A Survey on the Establishment of Scientometrics Departments in the Iranian Academic Libraries Based on the SWOT Model: A Case Study of Mashhad Academic Libraries

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Shahed universty

2 Shahed university


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish scientometrics departments in the Iranian academic libraries based on the SWOT model.
Methodology: This is an applied study carried out by the survey method. The study population included 80 librarians of Mashhad universities. Data collection was based on the statistical distribution of the questionnaire following the SWOT model.
Findings: The results of the data analysis based on the SWOT matrix showed that the academic librarians in Mashhad are not familiar enough with scientometricsand the scientometrics tasks moreover; Mashhad universities do not have scientometrics departments. The results also showed that human resources, organizational culture, and technology has respectively had the greatest impact on the establishment of scientometrics departments. Moreover, it was shown that the strengths with the total weight of 3.98 points had the highest score in comparison with opportunities with the 3.79 points, and weaknesses and threats with a score of 3.12 and 3.75 points respectively.


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