An Understanding of General Systems Theory (GST) with an Interpretation of its Applications to Cybernetics

Document Type : مقالات مروری


Ferdowsi University


General Systems Theory (GST) is itself derived from system approach to phenomena. The study aims to understand the nature and conceptual components of the theory through reviewing the emergence and spread of system approach. Also, it has tried to interpret the application of general systems theory to cybernetics with regard to the conceptual component of this theory.
This article is a conceptual analysis. In general, conceptual analysis of texts is based on textual collected data, with the aim of gaining an understanding of the dimensions and constituents of each of the main concepts as well as their conceptual boundaries. In this study, texts related to cybernetics and the general theory of systems has been conceptually analyzed.
Since this article is about the nature and conceptual components of the system approach, this study aimed at providing a better understanding of theoretical background and historical-philosophical frameworks of the general systems theory. Besides, as there is a strong link between GST and cybernetics, it can provide a cybernetic interpretation and understanding of the general systems theory. The findings showed that the main branches of these two domains have come to the fore in many disciplines including information science. The general theory of systems along with the theory of cybernetics is both important components in the development of information science theory. According to the general theory of systems and also the theory of cybernetics, cybernetic systems operate on the information contained in control actions; therefore, since all control actions in the systems of cybernetics have an information root, it can be said that the information element is considered as an essential component of this kind of systems.
The study indicates that equating two fields' system science and cybernetics is theoretically well founded; however, there are many common ideas and goals among them some of which are mentioned in this article. This alignment between the two disciplines of systems science and cybernetics is due to the fact that these two are the product of a common attitude and approach: system approach. In both, the concept of system is a key concept, and the introduction of laws and principles that are synonymous, generalizable, and holistic is of genuine value.


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