A Feasibility Study for Implementing Knowledge Management in the Academic Libraries of Isfahan City based on Bukowitz and William’s Model

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Isfahan

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Isfahan


The present study aims to survey the feasibility of implementing knowledge management in academic libraries of Isfahan based on Bukowitz and William's model. It was used a survey- descriptive method, and the population under investigating includes all librarians employed in the academic libraries of Isfahan in 2009-2010. To determine the sample size, it was used the formula of sampling i.e. Cochran and were selected 138 people as the research sample. Sampling method is random stratified sampling and the tool for collecting the research data was a researcher- made questionnaire with the Likert scale. The face validity of the questionnaire approved by experienced teachers and in order to determine the reliability it was used Cronbach's alpha coefficient (%80). Data analysis was done by SPSS 16 software. Findings demonstrated that the possibility of implementing knowledge management in academic libraries of Isfahan based on Bukowitz and William's model is lower than average (19.36) and it was impossible to implementing equally. Also there was not a significant difference among the average of subjects based on demographic variables i.e. gender, measure of study, background of employment, graduation degree, type of work in library, and library type (P>0/05); But in terms of graduation degree there was significant difference in contributing and assessing knowledge (P


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