An Analysis of User Interface Elements Supporting Information Seeking Behavior Based on Dervin’s Sense Making Theory

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Kerman University of Medical Sciences

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashahd

3 ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Purpose: Scientific databases are the most important and useful sources where information is accessible via user interfaces. One of the approaches to eliminating the existing challenges in databases user interface is utilizing the Sense-making Theory (SMT) approach. SMT approach helps the users to understand problematic situations they have faced with and bridges the cognitive and information gap by using the elements of user interfaces. The aim of this study is to evaluate user interfaces of Ebsco, Proquest and Science Direct databases in supporting users’ information seeking behavior based on SMT.
Methodology: This study was a mixed methods survey. The samples of this study have been chosen among M.A. and PhD students majoring in Humanities/Social Sciences and Sciences/Engineering in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Findings: Findings showed that SMT elements support users’ information seeking behavior in databases’ user interfaces which have been analyzed. It is also found that the help of databases’ user interface to users’ information seeking behavior was in a desired level. This study showed that the current user interfaces in these databases are not able to support the users’ information seeking behavior in problematic situations and put them in confusing and ambiguous conditions. Furthermore, the results indicated that elements of Dervin’s SMT are applicable to database user interfaces, and are probably effective in re-designing and improving these environments.


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