Globalization, Geopolitics and the flows of Information

Document Type : مقالات مروری


1 Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Payam Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of Information Science and Epistemology Department of Payam Noor University


Introduction: For the understanding of the geopolitics of Information, we need to use a geographical approach in the flows and processes of information. In this way, it is necessary that put the Westphalian territorialism away and equipped by new approach called polycentrism to information and its geopolitics. It does not mean that we cannot analyze every thing according to territorial walls and territorial methods any more. The article also aims to analyze and study the future of borders under the effects of information processes on them.

Method: The methodology used in the article is descriptive and analytical one and its data and information were gathered by reviewing of literature.

Finding: These walls, i.e., geographical and virtual boundaries have been more porous, and with a click or turning on a video or by using a satellite, information flows globally. This article is seeking to articulate that all does not diminish but, with a Political Geographical Point of view which is a proper view, information should be analyzed. The assumption of the article is that de- territorialization about information is a partial process while it is accomplished stronger than other flows and cases. It means that information comparing to other global phenomena and processes, like global firms, capital and etc. does not consider territory and border. For understanding of the dilemma of Geopolitics of Information, scale is useful in particular.


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