A demographic analysis of librarians’ spiritual intelligenc. Case study: governmental university libraries in Isfahan

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Associate Professor, Library and Information Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran

2 Master's student in librarianship and information, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and demographic characteristics of librarians (such as gender, education level, age, job experience, marital status and field of study) in Isfahan governmental university librarians.
Method: The research method was survey and the data gathering tool was King's spiritual intelligence questionnaire. The population was 132 governmental university libraries in Isfahan, 115 of them (87/12 %) responded to the questionnaire.
Findings: The results showed that spiritual intelligence of librarians is high with the mean value of 81/6 (the highest mean could be 96 in the test). There was no relationship between demographic characteristics (ل, education level, age, job experience and marital status) with the spiritual intelligence. The relationship between field of study and spiritual intelligence was significant
Conclusion: As the results showed no significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and demographic characteristics of the librarians, it seems that, spiritual intelligence have relation whit other factors rather than demographic characteristics. Further analysis is needed to discover the factors related to spiritual intelligence such as cultural and social factors.
Keywords: Librarians, Spiritual intelligence, demographic analysis, governmental universities of Isfahan


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