Evaluation of indexed scientific documents of Shahid Beheshti University research institutes in Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar citation databases using h, g and m parameters

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor of Shahid University Library and Information Department

2 Senior expert in librarianship and information at Shahid Beheshti University

3 Assistant Professor of Library and Information Department of Tarbiat Modares University


In this research, the amount of Hersh, J. and also the parameter M. The researchers of Shahid Beheshti University research institutes were calculated and evaluated. This research is a type of scientometric research that was done with documentary methods and citation analysis. The research community was formed from the indexed scientific degrees of 117 researchers of Shahid Beheshti University research institutes in three citation databases, Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. By collecting and combining the obtained data, Hersh indices, J. and parameter M. Each researcher was measured and analyzed. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. used. The average Hersh index of the studied community is equal to 1.85 and the average index of J. equal to 2.66 and also the average parameter M. The studied population was equal to 0.41.
Also, Hersh's indices, J. and parameter M. It was obtained for men more than women. The highest Hersh index was 18 in the female group and 23 in the male group. In the same way, the highest index number of J. It was equal to 27 in the group of women and equal to 33 in the group of men. In addition, the highest number of parameter M. The obtained ratio was 2 for women and 2.5 for men. Hersh indices, J. and parameter M. The number of 60 (51.3%) researchers was equal to zero. In general, this research shows that the researchers of the research institutes of plants and medicinal raw materials, environmental sciences and laser and plasma compared to the researchers of the research institutes of family health and Ijaz Qur'an, in terms of Hersh, J. and parameter M. are at a higher level.


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