A Grounded Theory Approach to Identifying the Influencing Factors and Indicators of Infopreneurship in Iran

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


1 Islamic Azad University, Science, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Islamic Azad University, Science, Hamedan Branch, Hamedan, Iran.


Introduction: The present study aimed at identifying influencing factors and indicators of infopreneurship, as well as proposing a theoretical model for it in Iran. 
Methodology: This study is a qualitative research conducted through a grounded theory approach. The statistical population of the study consisted of 30 experts in the fields of information science and knowledge management, entrepreneurship and the Internet and Web, who were selected through the purposeful sampling. The research instrument included a semi-structured interview, which continued until data saturation. The collected data were analyzed by using open, axial and selective coding methods. The result of these interviews was a collection of primary concepts which were collected during the open coding process and from which the basic concepts and major categories were derived. Afterwards, in the axial coding phase, links among these categories were identified which fell into six headings, involving causal factors, the fundamental phenomenon, strategies, underlying factors, intervening conditions and consequences. Then, in the selective coding step, the story was drawn and the grounded theory was presented.
Findings: The findings of the study indicated that infopreneurship in Iran is affected by structural factors, behavioral factors, background factors and strategic factors each of which has its own components.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it can be argued that for infopreneurship to take place, the interaction of four intertwined factors is required. These include demand for information, availability of the needed information, the retrieval of information, and adding value of information. The factors and their indicators identified in the study and the theoretical framework provide a unique model in the Iranian context in that the proposed model encompasses all the relevant economical, technical and contextual factors as well as factors pertaining to human, knowledge and background resources which might have bearings on infopruneurship in Iran.


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