The Study of the Faculty Member Perception of Using the University Libraries Services based on Ajzen Theory

Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی


ferdowsi university of mashhad


Purpose: There are several various aspects regarding the role of university libraries informative services to the faculty members of universities which should be considered and studied. Not only university libraries affect the form and way of accessing the information, but also they can impact the behavior and perception of the members of faculty. Therefore, a better understanding of the faculty members of universities behavior on the services offered at th universities’ libraries could lead to a better design and plan to provide the required services at the university libraries.
Methodology: This is a descriptive-survey study with the research society of faculty members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad which is based on the Ajzen theory of planned behavior. The research studies the behavior and understanding of the faculty members of using the Central Library of Ferdowsi University. Ergo,assessing the reliability and the validity of the questionnairethrough the stratified sampling, 320 questionnaires were distributed 278 of them were considered for the data analysis through the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
Findings: The results showed that the controlled beliefs and intentions directly affected the behavior. The controlled beliefs, mental standards, and the controlled behavior can affect the attitude. The attitude affects the behavior through the intention indirectly. Behavioral and standard beliefs affect the behavioral control and mental standards.


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