Registration and login

To submit a manuscript, each user should first register in the journal website and log in after receiving the password. Then, along with entering the manuscript information, several documents including the original file of manuscript (without authors' names), authors' statement form, conflict of interest form, authors' profile, and plagiarism check report (provided by Irandoc) should be uploaded.

Registration in this journal is free for all people and does not require the manager's approval. When submitting a manuscript, notice the Forms and Guide Files and the Manuscript Submission Guidelines in the Guide for Authors section.

Note: The website requires two separate email addresses from you for registration. Please be careful when entering the original email address as/because the password, information and news of the journal are sent to this email address. The second email address is only for more security.

Registration Steps

To register, select the Guide for Authors menu, then click on the Forms and Guide Files and select Manuscript Submission Guidelines . Please read the documents carefully and act accordingly.

No need to register for reading the manuscripts; However, the corresponding author should register in the website to submit the manuscript.

If the author has an ORCID, he/she can enter this ID in the registration form.



To log in to the journal website, select the “Login” option. Then log in to the journal website using the username and password that already has been sent to your email address.